Monday, December 1, 2014

Friday, May 8, 2009


Ok ladies, I AM READY!!! I want to start walking again in the morning. I am ready to put myself up on the top of my list. Besides, I have a new job in August and I don't have any "teaching" clothes that I can fit into. Ha!!

Ok, so who is with me????? Anyone???

I want to start next week. See what drugs can do! Ha!

Lets get back into this. We are each worth it!!!!!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Back on the Wagon

Ok so for 2 weeks I have been sick or had other bodily issues to contend with. Monday I felt so sluggish and fatigued but I decided to go ahead and walk. I walked 1.75 miles about minutes or so. I got back and felt much worse than when I started. I had to go back to bed.

So for Tuesday I thought I would have a chance to do some pilates or whatnot. It didn't actually happen due to sick girls. Soooooo I thought, there is always tomorrow....until I wake up to the world spinning out of control! (I gave up drinking because of this!) Chuck had to come home from work to take Emma and myself to the doctors. It appears I have a sinus infection. So there goes today. By the time I got home, I was so tired I went straight to bed.

So there is always next week. I hope to back up on the wagon and roaring along.

Great work ladies on keeping up despite my downfalls!!

Love ya!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 3

Ok so I didn't walk today, but I did just complete the Upper Body Pilates work out. I have to post now because I won't be able to type tomorrow. It was killer!!! PUSH UPS!!! YIKES!!! Do I know how to do those???

Not to mention my abs are killing me from yesterday's challenge.

Props to my girls for keeping up and working out the past two days!!! We need to set an obtainable goal to meet by Jan 31st so we can celebrate! Like we need a reason!!!! HA!!!

Thanks for keeping up.



So here I am today, at 4:12 and I'm starting to feel the BURN of my pilates workout with Rebecca this morning. All we did was the Windsor Pilates Basic WO and WOW! So Friday, We'll see if we can make it through buns & thighs or abs or something harder. IF I can move. OK, I'm not so sore that I can't move YET, but I usually get more sore on the 2nd day after.

I LOVED the COLD walk on Tuesday morning! I even took my Beagle Dog Bosco with me. He could stand to loose a few pounds too. So not only am I going to look good in a few, my dog will TOO!

Keep up the good work guys! It's gonna be good in the summer, maybe closer to 40 in age will be better when I'm closer to a size 8!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 2

Ok so today I stayed committed and walked for 35 minutes. I still jogged the same distance but got my heart rate up. It was all good.

As for food, I have done better since I came home from work. Today someone decided to open the chocolate mints from the Sierra Nut House. WHY ME!!! WHERE DO THEY KEEP COMING FROM!!! I MUST OVERCOME!!! TOMORROW!!!

So aside from the extra sugar I had today, I decided to only have one small piece of pizza with a large salad for dinner and for lunch I had a bowl of Carrot Chowder. I think that was pretty good.

I'm off to do my pilates ab workout so until tomorrow, Yeah Me!!


PS Thanks for the encouragement girls. I need it!

It's a Miralce

My friends are probly shocked that in less than a month's time I have blogged. I'm here and commited to the cause as well. I have to a two sided goal, lose weight and drop a size or two. Like Cyndi, I want to post some pictures to show off my progress. My first day was Monday. I woke up at 5 AM and did a mile on the elipticle. Today, Cyndi and I walked for an hour. I need to wear some extra layers for these moring walks. I very proud of my friends and out commitment to feel better, have more energy and to feel good when we look in the mirror. I need to lose 30 lbs. and I want to be able to where a size 12 in all things.